It should probably not come as a surprise to those of you who follow me on Facebook what this post is about.
Yes, Marcus got a new (to us) jet ski. A friend was looking to sell his mid-80s jet ski and instead offered to give it to Marcus for free. Naturally, Marcus, being Marcus, could not refuse this enticing offer despite the fact we have a baby due to be born in early October, Alex's new bedroom needs to be painted and put together, the master bathroom needs to be finished as it currently consists of nothing but tile, and the master closet needs to be finished as it currently consists of all of the tools being used to work on the master bathroom. Also, might I add that the only person who could possibly even get any enjoyment out of said jet ski is the only person who could possibly even take care of all the aforementioned projects (not including the new baby part...I am all over that one).
Marcus has a propensity to acquire things for the shear sake of acquiring them despite there often being very good reasons not to do so and then they become projects that take the place of more important projects and to be honest, they never really take flight anyway as evidenced here. Pretty much all of the linked blog posts are about the other jet ski in our life. After doing the search for those posts it occurred to me that I never once wrote a blog post about the time, a few weeks after Alexandra was born, when Marcus went out and purchased a new (to us) Jeep Wrangler. Because that's what a new family of three needed at the time, an old, rusty Jeep Wrangler that only Marcus or I could drive separately but never together because there was no way in hell I'd put my brand new baby in that thing. Heck, I wouldn't put her in it now. I digress.
Despite my attempts at being the coolest pregnant woman you'll ever meet and despite my attempts to not throw the pregnancy card out there at every chance I get this pregnant woman is really, really starting to freak the f*** out. There is a lot of work to be done in a very short amount of time and I'm banking on going to term with this pregnancy despite my previous history. God help us if this baby comes early, too. God help Marcus if he goes out, gallivanting around on a jet ski when work on the bathroom and closet could be done. Oh yeah, that's a threat.
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