Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Sick Babies

Both kiddos have been sick lately and as such have come to expect certain pleasantries like vaporub on their backs, extra love and attention, and a coveted spot in bed with mommy.  Also, as it just so happens, it seems like every time the girls are sick Marcus is on travel and therefore I'm left alone running between bathrooms trying to take temperatures and provide medicine without cross contamination.

I don't usually let the girls sleep with me but when they're sick it's just easier to take care of them as they wake constantly and cry for me.  Alex was in bed with me for a few days, down with a fever, followed closely by Jo who developed a high fever and runny nose.  Despite having only been sick for one night by the time Marcus was back home, Jo must have grown accustomed to her new status as co-sleeper in mommy's bed because at dinner the night Marcus came home she asked "Is daddy going to sleep in our bed?"

As it just so happens, later that night daddy slept in Jo's bed and she came into bed with me. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A Killer Amongst Us

I do not frequently remember my dreams and rarely do I write about them.  They have to be truly weird for me to talk about them at all.  My dream last night wasn't necessarily "truly weird" but after I woke-up and thought about it I realized it was horrifying.

In my dream I was back home in Fredericksburg in the parking lot of a CVS.  Why such detail, I have no idea.  It was cold, dark, and snowing and I was attempting to get into someone's car.  However, there was a huge, grey lion that kept lunging at me (and ONLY me) and preventing me from doing so.  Every time I thought I was safe the grey lion would appear and come after me.  I was always able to escape but eventually I grew weary of the shenanigans.

Finally, someone suggested I call 9-1-1 and so I did.  The firemen came to my rescue and captured the grey lion, though they gave it some other name that I can't remember anymore, and I was able to get in the car and leave.  Obviously, it was at this point that I awoke.

After waking up and releasing the anxiety and stress that comes from constantly eluding a lion in one's dreams I realized something.  The lion was grey.  Lasagna is grey.  The lion was constantly trying to kill me.  Lasagna is constantly trying to kill me.  The lion was Lasagna.  That sneaky b*tch snuck into my dreams and manifested herself as a lion which she most certainly thinks she is.  I'm assuming since she can now apparently get into my mind I should start sleeping with one eye open. 

The look of a killer.