Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Arts And Crafts Are Dumb

Let me just preface this by saying I am not a crafty person.  I try to be but the fact is I don't have extra googly eyes, pipe cleaners, or batting lying around the house all of which appear to be prerequisites before starting any arts and crafts project.  So, when I do feel like an arts and crafts project is in order for the day it takes a lot of energy out of me because I have to improvise with what I have.  Plus, like I said before, I am not a crafty person.  I feel like the World's Best Mother just on the days that I break out the crayons so actually executing a real, honest to goodness project is the frickin' Nobel Prize for Mothers in my world.

Another hindrance to arts and crafts projects are the children for which said arts and crafts projects are designed for.  Particularly my children.  Take today for instance.  I found online a cute design for a turkey using the hands and feet of the girls (not their literal hands and feet though at this point I'd say as long as they're participating who cares).  So, I take Jo first and trace her foot.  For a 1 year old she did remarkably well.  Then it's Alex's turn.  She refuses, I mean absolutely refuses to the point of tears, to let me trace her f****ing foot.  What the f***.  I don't know if she thought I was going to stab her foot with the pencil or if she thought her foot would fall off...I really don't know what was going on in her mind but, as per usual, I lost my sh*t and am now sitting here writing this post.

In my attempt to make the girl's day just a little more fun than average I have been thwarted and turned what was a pretty good day into a slightly sucky one.  So, here I am, stewing over the whole thing and finishing the project by myself.  If Alex and Jo ever say that their mom never did any fun arts and crafts projects with them I'll refer them to this post.

Let's just call it like it is.  This is MY stupid arts and crafts project.

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