There are definitely some differences between my parenting decisions and Marcus's. I tend to take into account both of the girl's ages and then base my decisions on what is or is not appropriate for them. Marcus, not so much.
For example, the conversation we just had went a little something like this:
Me (looking at potential Christmas gifts for Alexandra): I'm getting a kick out of the fact Alex is into more "boy" type toys than "girl" toys. Like, here's a toy firefighter set that she would think is so cool. She loves to pretend she's a firefighter.
Marcus: Yeah. We should get a squirt gun so she can practice putting out fires.
Me: *pause* As in real fires?
Marcus: Yeah.
Me: *pause* She's 2.
Marcus: So?
Me: Do you really think it's a good idea to teach her how to start fires? Next thing I know she's outside setting fire to the lawn (side note: good luck with that because it's nothing but sand).
Marcus: I'm not teaching her how to start a fire! She isn't going to figure out how to do that!
Me: She's no dummy, she'll figure it out quickly. I don't think it's such a good idea to be starting fires so Alex can play fireman.
Marcus: I don't see what the problem is.
*and scene*
I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that my well-educated husband thinks allowing a 2 year old to practice putting out fires is a good idea, although he did agree to let it slide until she's 3. He insists I'm being overprotective and giving Alex more intelligence credit than what is due. I simply don't think we should be encouraging anyone to start a fire for the thrill of putting it out, especially not at the age of 2. I'm pretty sure Sparky the Fire Dog® would be less than thrilled at this prospect. Also, it should come as no surprise that Marcus doesn't know who Sparky the Fire Dog® is.
I think what isn't being taken into account here is what Marcus did for entertainment when left to his own devices at ANY age, including (but certainly not limited to!) lighting fires, which indubitably resulted in him learning HOW to put said fires out, lol