Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Our Black Swan

The other day Marcus and I were talking about how when Alex was born she looked like a little, old man.  Since then, and I know we're biased, she's really grown into her cuteness.  Anyway, this was the conversation as I remember it:

Me:  Alex really did look like a little, old man when she was born.  She's really becoming a cute kid.
Marcus:  Yeah, she's like a black swan.
Me:  Huh?  *pausing a moment to try and figure out what the heck he means*  Do you mean the ugly duckling?
Marcus:  Oh.  Yeah.  That's what I meant.

The ballerina in me couldn't help but be slightly turned-on by his ballet reference.

But...I thought you said I was a Sugar Plum?
Update:  Another conversation took place soon after this was posted in which Marcus righteously informed me that he was not trying to reference the movie when he said "black swan."  This soon turned into another confusing conversation during which I determined that he had no clue the movie, Black Swan, was based on an actual ballet, Swan Lake.  This then led me to think that some of my readers may be as confused as Marcus.  I thought everyone knew Swan Lake was a ballet first, Black Swan the movie, second.  I mean, who didn't know that?  Anyone?  Whatever.

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