Thursday, August 2, 2012

Birth Plans = Waste Of Time

Because I'm a glutton for punishment, and I get a lot of amusement out of it, I've been perusing the chat forum I joined back when I was newly pregnant with Alex.  I stumbled upon a gem of a discussion about birth plans and all of these women are just completely, flippin' insane, nipple stimulation and all.

First of all, I have never once heard a woman say that she had a birth plan and was able to follow it to a "T."  More often than not you hear "I had a birth plan but the birth itself didn't actually go that way..."  Sh*t happens and when the time comes you do what you have to do to deliver that baby and that's all that matters.

Second, there is no planning; you have no control over delivering a baby.  Sorry.  It's Mother Nature at it's finest and, when necessary, medical science intervenes.  You may be able to control certain aspects of it like, being able to hold your baby right away, but other than that there is really little else you can control.

Third, we're talking about babies.  That baby will be born one way or the other and whether you make a plan or not doesn't really matter.

Fourth, ugh.  Just ugh.

I realize three of my four complaints seem rather redundant.  I could probably roll them all into one giant complaint but where's the fun in that?  Besides, I like to repeat what I said in various ways so that I get my point across.  The bottom line is, it's better to go into this whole adventure with an open mind.  I have a girlfriend the other day who recently said she didn't care either way how the baby was born, i.e. she has no expectations for the delivery.  How refreshing.  No wonder she's my friend.

Anyway, I tried to find more posts from the ladies who had posted their birth plans to see if any of them had written about their actual births but with little luck.  Too bad.  I would have been curious to know if the nipple stimulation worked the way one particular mother-to-be had hoped for (whatever that is...I don't really want to know).

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