Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Jo Is Six Months!

Josephine is 6 months old today.  My heart hurts saying that because it's gone by so fast and I know that the rest of my time with her will go just as fast.  She's the most delightful, happy baby and it's my belief she's going to be a handful once she is mobile.  She rolls everywhere and grabs everything with this mischievous look in her eye.  In fact, as I write this she has just ripped the band aid off her leg (6 month shots this morning) and is eating it.  Excuse me for a second...Most recently she's been up on her hands and knees then pushes off with her feet, throwing herself at her intended target.  I think Mimi was correct when she predicted Jo would be crawling two weeks from Easter Sunday.  Just a few more days and she'll be on the move, I'm sure.  Some things Jo does at 6 months that I want to write down for memory sake are:

1. She pants when she gets excited.  I love it.
2. She has rolls for miles.
3. Speaking of rolls, and as I mentioned before, she rolls to where she wants to go.  I put her down, walk away and next thing I know she's half way across the floor.
4. She screams and squeals like nothing I've ever heard.  It must be so that we remember she's around, though how could we forget?
5. Some of her nicknames are "Chubby Wubby," "Snooky Bottom," "Chub Chub," "Stinker Winker," "Pretty Girl/Baby," and "Chubby Cheekers" (get it?).
6. She loves watching Alex and laughs at everything she does whether it's dancing or just paying her some attention.
7. She has great control of her binkie and will either play with it or put it directly into her mouth...except of course in the middle of the night when she's crying and that's the only thing she wants.  Although, as of when I started writing this, I've since weaned her off the binkie.  She was growing too reliant and it was time to stop.  I guarantee you this was harder on us than it was on her.
8. Speaking of night time she almost sleeps through the night.  Last night she slept a magical 11 hours.  Typically it's 6 hours.
9. Her stats are as follows:  18 pounds 4 ounces and 27 inches long!  She will be Alex's size in no time.
10. She eats baby cereal and today we start carrots!  This little chunket is going to get even chunkier. 

She can also sit up on her own!

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