Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I'll Be A Copycat

There's a new Tumblr account taking the Internet by storm and it's all about why the user's son is crying.  In homage to that Tumblr I'd like to write down why Alexandra cried today:

1. She woke up.
2. Daddy wasn't here.
3. I'm not Daddy.
4. I didn't procure her milk fast enough.
5. I made her sit on the couch while drinking her milk.
6. I stopped her from crushing her sister with the rocking horse.
7. I don't know.
8. I don't know.
9. I don't know.
10. She's hungry and the 5 seconds it takes me to get her a snack is 4 seconds too long.
11. Her toy isn't working the way she wants it to due to user error.
12. From 5:00 on it's all because her Daddy is home who appears to be the light of her life yet the bane of her existence all at the same time.
Oh, yeah.  13. Because she wants to play with the very expensive camera and we won't let her.

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