I've realized that I never post anything upbeat about being pregnant. I'm constantly b*tching about it and in reality there are some positive aspects to it, the end result of the baby actually being born the most positive aspect of them all, of course. So, I got to thinking about what parts of pregnancy are actually kind of nice. So, without further ado, here they are:
1. People cater to you. I've had comfy chairs procured for my enjoyment when everyone else has to sit on less comfy chairs and, in general, most everyone seems to be nicer. That or they just steer clear.
2. Free sh*t. I've been offered free bottles of water and tons of free food.
3. I bet you can't balance a bowl of ice cream on your belly while perusing the boob tube. I can.
4. Nobody looks at you funny when you have food all over yourself which, for some reason, happens a lot more frequently during pregnancy. In fact, I just removed an 18 month old hamburger grease stain from a maternity shirt the other day. It had lost it's flavor.
5. Speaking of food all over yourself, you can keep little bits of food stashed away for future consumption in your cleavage provided it isn't melty.
6. Again, on the topic of food, you can eat anything you want without question. I do have a habit of trying to justify why I crave certain things but when it comes down to it, if I want to drink the Chick-fil-A sauce straight from the container then by golly that's exactly what I'm going to do and I dare you to say something about it.
7. I can ask for something to be handed to me that is within a small radius without the other person questioning my laziness.
8. Speaking of laziness I can force my toddler into physical labor without question. Currently, she carries the cat's food dish for me, carries the soon to be not so nicely folded laundry to her room, and follows me around with the dustpan as I sweep. I am working on her bed making skills and ability to properly wash a window without the use of her tongue.
9. I can shop for clothes for myself and not hear one remark about spending money because in this particular case I really do need new clothes.
10. I can complain as loudly and for as long as I want and nobody can say anything about how whiny I am. At least not to my face.
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