Wednesday, February 1, 2012


It's really strange that my blog has somehow, inexplicably, been linked to blog's written by Latter Day Saints mothers and hippie-dippy mothers.  I’m neither a Latter Day Saint nor a hippie-dippy.  I most certainly do not post about all 9 of my children (no freaking way will that ever happen) or how I plan on eating the placenta after having a natural water birth in my home the next go round.  My blog posts don’t constantly end with “I am so blessed” followed by scripture.  To be honest, I know I’m blessed.  I don’t need to write it out every day as a reminder to me, myself, and I what I already know.  I don’t try and “educate” the world on Natural Family Planning and make claims that all women who take birth control pills will be plagued with miscarriages, premature births, or infertility with the only back-up as proof is a book written by an Evangelical minister.  Mostly though, these women are so freaking boring.  *whining*  I don’t want my blog to be lumped in the same, boring category as these other women.  How can I make mine stand out from the rest as the blog it is meant to be:  at times funny, maybe a little insensitive, but definitely fun to read (at least to me it is).

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