Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Dear Husband

Dear Husband,

If you do not have a youngest daughter by the time you get home from work do not be surprised.  She would not, WOULD NOT, get out of bed until after 8 this morning.  Although, to her credit, she was technically the first of the children out of bed when she briefly got out to scream and writhe around on the floor because I turned on the little lamp.  Once her stance on morning lighting was thoroughly discussed she got back into bed, stuffing herself and all of her lovies as far under the covers as possible.  I was set to let her ride in the car wearing pajamas but, eventually, she did get out of bed and got herself dressed.  There was a slight issue with her cowgirl boots being 1/4 of an inch unzipped which led to them being taken away completely.  After she got over the loss of the boots, she made her way to the breakfast table where her attitude slightly changed upon seeing the delicious donut her older sister was eating.  She came thisclose to not getting a donut.  The ride to and from dropping off her sister at school was fairly uneventful.  However, upon returning home, she refused to get out of the car because I killed a spider with her rain boot and she wanted to do it with her bare hands.  At the moment, TV is not an option and so she is going around finding things that she thinks will bother me.  For example, she yells "I'm going to mess this up!" and she moves the pumpkins on the fireplace around.  Currently, she has put herself in her room so I will sit here while I can and sip my coffee and eat my own donut.

Your Wife Who Will Be Running Away Soon