Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Congratulations! Life Is Going To Suck!

A few friends of mine have recently either just given birth for the first time or announced their first pregnancy.  Every time I hear their happy news I am over the moon happy for them.  All of these women have been a part of my life for so many years that it's a natural reaction.

What I haven't quite figured out, though, is whether or not the reason I'm so happy for them is because I will have one more soul to commiserate with over how sh*tty parenthood can be.  I won't deny I am thrilled that they will get to enjoy the more wonderful parts of being a parent such as when your two year old sniffs your neck and whispers sweetly in your ear "You smell like peanutbutterjelly."  But I also won't deny that I look forward to the day when I see their child acting the fool my own does and all I can do is smile, shake my head, and say "Ah, I see so-and-so is at "that" stage of childhood" and then sit back and talk about all of the things we could be doing if it weren't for the existence of our spawns.  Admittedly, those things generally revolve around merely sipping wine in peace but that's because I've lost all ability to think of anything more cool than that.

Children are difficult.  Obviously.  This Blog wouldn't have continued to exist if they were easy (and if I were slightly more stable).  When they're newborns you're left wondering why the baby slept all night the night before but then wakes up every two hours the next night.  When they become toddlers you're left pondering many a toddler mystery such as why did they start flipping out when I said it was time for lunch?  I haven't made it out of toddler-hood just yet so I'll be sure to add more to the list but for now, that's enough.

In the end, I am thrilled that some of my closest girlfriends are joining me in the never ending quest to figure out why the hell we decided to have children.  I just hope they are as equally unstable as I am because I wouldn't be able to stand it if they actually enjoyed motherhood, pfffttt...


  1. As always, I love your blog! :) I love how you keep it real.

    Mom misses you terribly!

    Have you read "Go the F to Sleep?" I have a baby shower to go to this weekend and I bought it for my friend. :)

    If you haven't read it, stop what you are doing and read it now!

  2. Awww, I need to write your mom! I think about her often and wonder how things are going at ol' NG. I have read "Go the F to Sleep" and I can't believe I don't own a copy. I know there's a version that Samuel L. Jackson reads somewhere out on the Internet. I highly recommend it. :) Thank you for reading my blog!
