Thursday, May 16, 2013

Marcus The Doctor

In the immortal words of "Dora the Explorer" (Shoot me.  Shoot me, now.) "He did it, he did it, he did it, hooray!"  This past Saturday Marcus was officially accepted into the "company of scholars" (their words, not mine) when he received his Doctorate of Engineering.  What an achievement that has been 5 years in the making.  Along with working on his doctoral thesis these past five years Marcus has:  Married me, welcomed 2 baby girls (and a cat) into his life, purchased 4 homes and flipped one, purchased an apartment building, moved twice, took jobs in D.C. and North Carolina, received his pilot's license, traveled to Hawaii, Jamaica, Costa Rica, and Japan, and broken at least two bones. 

Couple all of these life events with me trying not to kill him and it's a miracle he made it at all.  No, seriously.  His life was on the line on more than one occasion.  Everyone congratulated me, too for being here supporting Marcus but I certainly don't deserve any credit because half the time I was debating on the merits of poisoning versus electrocution or just moving back in with my mom.  I'm also not proud to say that I know for a fact when flung across the room at a high velocity avocado stains walls.  Don't ask me how I know, just trust me.

All of this is simply to say, though, how great it is to know this portion of our lives is over.  We made it through despite the craziness that has been our lives and now we can focus on other things, like absolutely NOTHING.  

1 comment:

  1. Happy, happy, joy, joy! Congratulations, Marcus!!

    Lauren, wait until the girls are into Busytown. You'll have the "Who, What, Why, How...Solve a Mystery" song stuck in your head for days.

