I'm a judger. I judge. I can't help it. I like to think it's human nature but maybe it's my own human fault that drives me to judge others. Since we've moved to the Jacksonville area I find myself doing it more and more. One day I sat and watched and judged our pregnant neighbor across the street for smoking. I judge the neighbors to the right of us for being bad dog owners by letting their dog bark it's head off at 7 in the morning. Today, I'm judging the neighbors to the left of us for broaching an issue with our fence line in a strange manner. The wife knocked on our door and prefaced the issue with "I wanted to come over here before my husband did because he won't be as nice about it..." Before she could even explain what the issue was I had already judged the mystery husband as being an asshole if he couldn't be cordial enough to approach his new neighbors in a respectful manner.
I've since spent the rest of this afternoon missing my friends in Virginia. We were spoiled, that's for certain. Marcus and I surrounded ourselves with beautiful people inside and out and today I'm missing them all terribly.
We miss you too!