Friday, December 9, 2011


Every day I am reminded that we are surrounded by idiots.  Our lovely neighbors are a prime example and a brief review of just about any article's comment section on the Internet is another example of the stupidity I face on a daily basis.  It bothers me that Americans are required to attend school until we are 17 years old yet nobody seems to actually be learning anything (which is a whole other blog post for another day...that will probably occur around election time when I'm at my wits end with all of the ignorance that abounds...this will eventually lead into a blog post about stupid people breeding).

Anyway, there must be something about the area where we live that attracts the dumbest of the dumb.  While we live in a pretty nice neighborhood I suppose idiocy knows no boundaries.  At 2:30 in the morning Marcus and I were awakened (awoken?) by a young man practicing his skateboarding moves in the parking lot directly across the street from us.  Why, do you ask, was someone skateboarding at 2:30 in the morning in the freezing cold?  Well, I would respond, he is a classic case of a flippin' idiot.  A skateboard-flippin' idiot to be exact.  This normally wouldn't bother me at all except, well, it was 2:30 in the morning.  Maybe part of me is jealous that this young man apparently has no other responsibility except to skateboard in the middle of the night.  Or, maybe I'm just pissed off because he woke me up from a deep slumber.  It's probably the latter because, who am I kidding?  Even without the responsibilities that I have today you would be hard pressed to find me skateboarding at 2:30 in the morning...or any time of day for that matter.

The more I think about it, there must be something with that particular parking lot that attracts idiots.  Again, in the mornings, around 6:00 or so, the construction crews for the university across the street start to show up.  One morning this week they decided it would be fun to have a car horn fight.  Yay.  Please, continue honking your car horn at each other for approximately 5 minutes and think it's funny.  You know what else is funny?  A brick through your windshield.

So, what does this say about me?  Well, for one, I'm clearly not a morning person.  Two, I have zero tolerance for those who exhibit absolutely no common sense or regard for anyone but themselves.  Three, I think it's safe to say that by the time I reach the age of 70 (God willing) I'll probably be living in the mountains with a bunch of goats.

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