Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Crack Me Up

Now that I am officially "showing*" I am absolutely dying for someone to look at me questioningly and for me to stop them before they have a chance to ask anything and say "I know what you're thinking. And yes, I am wearing new shoes" or something equally asinine. Oh, please, oh, please! I dream about it all of the time. At work I get up to use the bathroom and go to the kitchen and I walk with my belly protruding and lo-and-behold I pass not a soul. Apparently my peeing and eating schedule is significantly different from others. I find that hard to believe though since I pee a lot and eat a lot but whatever. *sigh* So, now it's just a waiting game for some sucker to fall for my silly tricks. Hopefully they have a good sense of humor.

* On a side note, sometimes I really do think I look just plain fat and not at all pregnant. The only time I feel that I look truly pregnant is when I’m wearing maternity clothes which as of lately is 9 times out of 10…and despite my earlier grumblings I’m pretty sure I’ll be wearing them for the rest of my life; the pants are so damn comfortable…minus the fact I have some sweet love-handles going on that push them down therefore forcing me to hitch them up on occasion. I imagine the belly will be doing most of the pushing down in the next few months.

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