Tuesday, September 8, 2015

High Aspirations

Tonight we are getting Alexandra ready for her first day of pre-kindergarten. I put together a little sign for her to hold like every other parent does (I have no original thought) and I wanted to include a line stating what she wanted to be when she grew up. Her response? A "grown-up" and a "dishwasher."

Needless to say I did not include that line.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Not For The Faint Of Heart

I have not posted much about the house we moved into but, suffice to say, it's been a stressful draining depressing interesting adventure.  The entire house is in need of updating and that's not even including the massive amount of outside work that needs to be completed.

Prior to moving in I stressed the importance of a few items being taken care of before I even considered staying one night.  We installed new carpet on the second floor and had the entire second floor painted.  That made a big difference and I've been dealing with the less than ideal bathrooms and such.

However, I think it's time the bathrooms start receiving their long overdue makeover.  It isn't because the girl's sink is completely broken and therefore can't be used.  Nor is it because in the master bathroom the tub isn't even hooked-up to water.  No, it's because the toilets can't handle little girl poops and, as I write this I gag, I found myself this evening cutting up poop in order for it to flush down the toilet.

I refuse to live my life cutting poop.  We will be getting new toilets this weekend.